Micro Air Vehicle | Now 14 Application Purpose

micro air vehicle

The micro air vehicle (MAV), also called micro-aerial vehicle, is a micro-drone of small size with low altitude.

Basically these micro air vehicles give informantion of risky eniorment and area where some one cannot reach easily.

According to DAPRA (Defense Advance Research Project Agency) micro air vehicle is less than 6 inch (15cm) and 4 ounce weight.

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Micro Air Vehicle Purpose

  1. micro air vehicles give information about risky environments
  2. micro air vehicles give information about area where some one cannot reach
  3. Aerial photography
  4. Aerial robotics contests
  5. Military Surveillance
  6. Military Tagging
  7. Military Targetting
  8. Military Reconnaissance
  9. Urban Surveillance
  10. Hostage rescue
  11. Border patrol
  12. Traffic monitoring
  13. Fire rescure
  14. Forest and Wild Life survey

Basically, these micro-air vehicles give information about risky environments and areas where someone cannot reach easily.

Micro Air Vehicle Requirements

Following are requriment to make a betters Micro Air Vehicles

  • High image resolution
  • Lightweight
  • Secret
  • Safe
  • Simple to Operate
  • Repairable
  • Rapid electronic connetivity

Micro Air Vehicle Components

  • MicroProcessor
  • Airframe Actuators
  • Airframe Sensor
  • Acoustic Sensor
  • Optical Sensor
  • Transmitter for Communication
  • Receiver for Communication
  • Antenna for Communication
  • IC Engines
  • Compressed gas
  • Flywheels or capacitor for energy storage
  • Electric motors
  • batteries
  • fuel cell

Micro Air Vehicle Working

1. Straight Air toward wing

  1. Air travels toward the wing straight and bends it around.After this, the wing remains straight.
  2. As a result, no net action in the air and no lift.

2. Air Passing over wing

  • For lift, wing send air down
  • Air passes over the wing and is bent down.
  • wing change air for lift
  • As a result, the momentum of air forces the wing

Micro Air Vehicle Applications

US Air Force Research Laboratory video animation of a flapping-wing micro air vehicle (MAV). AFRL’s goal is to develop a bird-sized MAV by 2015 and an insect-sized MAV by 2030. The bird-sized MAV would be air-deployed from a larger UAV so search for weapons of mass destruction, operating semi-autonomously for up to a week.

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